Selasa, 31 Desember 2013


  Hello! Tahun 2013 berakhir beberapa detik lagi!
Apa sih yang udah kalian lakukan selama 2013 ini?

   Tahun 2013 pukul 00.15 itu gue baru sadar dari meditasi gue. Yap! Tepat pergantian tahun lalu gue berada di Vihara Jakarta Dhammacakka Jaya dengan mendengarkan cermah dari Kornelis Wowor *kalo gak salah* terus puja bakti dari bhante siapa tau lupa, lalu diadakan Meditasi lebih dari 30 menit kayak-nya. Yap! Setelah sadar dari Meditasi gue, gue langsung tekan tombol send SMS ke seseorang, jadilah tanggal cantik 01.01.13 hahaha *you know what I mean* 
  Hari baru gue awali dengan jadian *lupakan* lalu bulan-bulan berikut-nya, dan sampai-lah hari ini. Tapi, dibalik 2013 ini banyak banget cerita, cerita gue PDKT, nemu cowok baru, gagal move on pun tersedia :') Maklumlah, hidup itu selalu berputar, bagai roda.

  Kenangan terindah gue itu, ikut DOREMI X yang postingan kisah seru-nya bisa lo baca. Ada lagi kisah Dhammapada gue bareng gebetan tercinta, ada lagi  terbentuk-nya klub buku, ada lagi terbentuk-nya BOOM! Berisikan BOOMERS! Ada lagi Mulai-nya gue rajin ke Vihara Prajapati. Dulu masih kecil gue emang pernah ke situ, tapi, udah gak pernah, move on ke VJDJ, dan akhirnya di VJDJ gue ketemu koko ganteng x_x hahaha. Falling in love sama dia sejak gue kelas 4 sekarang kelas 2 SMP (2013), tau deh udah berapa tahun ya? hahaha :D

  Waktu itu Om Em e-mail ngasih tau, ada giveaway dari penulis pendatang baru, nama-nya Kevin Anggara, tadi-nya gue gak berminat, pas gue blogwalking ke blog dia, gue terkesima, dan akhirnya jatuh cinta *enggak segitu-nya* Gak kok, cuma nge-fans, pas gue tanya-tanya akhirnya gue tau, dia agamanya Buddha, tapi kenapa ya dia gak mau ke Vihara? padahal, kalo dia mau, dia bisa loh ketemu mantan-nya dia  temen-temen baru, hahaha. Gue kalah atau gue gak ikut partisipasi gue lupa deh, pokoknya itu e-mail tidak membuahkan hasil. Akhirnya gue pesen Buku Kevin via beberapa hari setelah mesen, ternyata dia ngadain kuis gitu, yaitu #TantanganKevin jadi selama 7 hari dia ngadain kuis yang beda-beda. Gue menang di #TantanganKevin hari kedua, yaitu desaign makanan semenarik mungkin *kalo gak salah* Gue menang, tapi beda jauh sama contoh yang dikasih Kevin, lagian contoh-nya rumit banget. Terus-nya temen gue yang namanya Jenifer *dia adik-nya mantannya Kevin* menang juga di hari 6/7 gitu :3 Tapi, setau gue belom dikirim punya dia. --> Notif Kev! :) Gue juga udah ketemu dia, yang ada di postingan gue MET KEVIN ANGGARA! Dan, gue baru tau, ade kelas gue suka sama dia *nyesek bro* Btw, temen-temen Vihara gue juga nge-fans lo sama dia, bahkan ada yang SKSD *peace sist, kita kan sahabat* Apalagi ya? :/

  Kisah Gue yang paling seru sih ya itu aja, sama pas Family Gathering. Pokoknya tahun 2013 ini debut gue sebagai blogger deh. Wkwkwk, sebenernya gue udah mulai nge-blog sejak kelas 3 atau 4 SD gitu deh, tapi gue lupa ini-itu, akhirnya baru fokus sejak... Ya itu-lah.

Wish Gue di tahun 2014:

  4. jadian sama ko **
  5. Rajin beribadah
  6. Banyak Amal
  7. Nerbitin buku
  8. Ketemu lagi sama Kevin
  9. Dia Kenal deket sama gue
  10. Kevin mau ke VJDJ
  11. Hal-hal lain yang mau gue capai :)
  12. Jadi chef!
  13. Makin rajin baca buku
  14. Dapet buku gratis, berkualitas 
Semoga cita-cita kalian juga tercapai ya! :)

Happy New Year! Tahun Baru! Pacar Baru!


Senin, 30 Desember 2013


Hari ini 30/12/13 ada anggota BOOMERS yang ulang tahun loh! Namanya RHIANA METTA!

 Tenang Rhi, kita gak lupa kok sama ulang tahun lo! Nih, ada kado simple!

Happy Birthday ya sayaaannggg :* I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

Makin unyu-unyu ya!

Salam sayang,

(Florencia Chandrika Halim)


   Menjelang 2014, gue punya sedikit bocoran nih dari Bintang jatuh, nih dia ramalan berdasarkan ZODIAK! Check This Out!

(22 Desember-20 Januari)

Lancar banget! Bokeknya!
Cinta-mu di unfoll
Maag akut. Gak ada yang ingetin makan

(21 Januari-19 Februari)

Hobi minjem duit, pelit balikin
Jatah mantah berkurang
Muka kayak kue cucur, BERMINYAK!

(20 Februari-20 Maret)

Generasi penerus tanggal muda
Hobi kok di putusin?
Tidur susah, bangun LEBIH SUSAH!

(21 Maret-20 April)

Mulai bersahabat dengan obat lambung
Bertepuk sebelah hati
Bibir sering berdarah, sering makan hati.

(21 April-21 Mei)

Punya pacar lintah darat
Cinta-mu semulus jalan di Panarukan
Move on dong! Dari obat Maag

(22 Mei-21 Juni)

Tanggal tua nih, ke lampu merah PGC yuk!
Mendadak suka bad boy/girl
Jangaaaannnnn, makan racun!

(22 Juni-22 Juli)




(23 Juli-22 Agustus)


(22 Agustus-22 September)

Kurang sering jajanin temen
SETIA (Setiap tikungan ***)
Kurang berteman dengan timbangan berat badan

(22 September- 23 Oktober)

Keuangan bulan ini asem, jangan diselipin di ketek!
=====================_===================== *jeblos*
Gak tega nyebut-nya :'(

(24 Oktober-22 November)

Kaya. Utang-nya
Kaya. Galau-nya
Allhamdullilah, sakit maag-nya berkurang.

(23 November-21 Desember)

Posesif sama Duit
Posesif sama Pacar
Posesif samaaaa

Semoga Tahun 2014 lebih baik ya!
Salam dari Bintang Jatuh!

(Florencia Chandrika Halim)

Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Family Gathering

  Hallo, hari ini gue ikut acara family gathering di Vihara Jakarta Dhammacakka Jaya, semacam acara keluarga pas hari Ibu gitu.
  Kegiatan di mulai saat registrasi ulang pk. 07.00, lanjut puja bakti singkat di Uposathagara, dan berangkat sekitar pk. 08.00. Sekitar pk. 09.00 kita sampai di Rumah Jepang Taman Bunga Cibubur. Sampai disana, kita puja bakti singkat dan melangsungkan acara.
  Kata sambutan oleh Ketua Dayaka Sabha. Kegiatan pertama adalah bernyanyi yang di persembahkan oleh anak sekolah Minggu, lalu pembacaan puis oleh remaja, yaitu Ci Bella. Setelah itu, Anak-anak membasuh kedua kaki orang tua-nya :') dan bersujud kepada mereka, lalu memeluk mereka.
  Tidak beberapa lama kemudian, acara tersebut selesai. Eittssss, tunggu dulu. Selanjutnya dikelompokkan berdasarkan kelas, dan diadakan FUN GAMES!
   Remaja VJDJ mengadakan games Voli air dan dotch ball. Dan dengan keberuntungan, kelompok gue menang dua games itu!!! Setelah games yang kurang lebih memakan waktu 1 jam, ada cara bebas, bebas deh lo mau jungkir balik, terserahhh...

  Waktu bebas ini gue isi dengan melihat SMS Willyam dengan Jennifer Ailin sahabat-sabahat gue. Gak nyangka banget, mereka yang baru kenalan bisa langsung deket. Gue yang udah lama kenal *nunjuk nunjuk orang* gak pernah tuh SMS-an, pernah sih, cuma beberapa akli doang, gak sering kayak mereka. Gue sempet bajak SMS-nya Willyam, gue nembak si JA, dia gak percaya, sampai akhirnya si JA mengakui dia juga suka sama Willyam, tapi, ujung-ujungnya si JA bilang dia juga dibajak, setelah si Willyam bilang tadi yang nembak itu Flo (gue) yang bajak. Kalo menurut gue sih, itu pasti akal-akalannya si JA doang. Gue tau kok:
Kalian saling suka kannn???
Willyam marah, wkwkwk, gak juga, dia mah baikk. Setelah adegan bajak-dan dibajak-dibajak dan ngebajak, dan akhirnya sawahnya ilang *loh apa ini?* gue iseng main volley air lagi *dengan balon yang tersisa* dengan JOSE, RIVALDO, WILLYAM, SONIA, dan VIONA. Kejar-kejaran main apa tau deh sampe keringetan, sampe capek.

   Setelah adegan gak jelas itu, sosok adik-nya  Ci Dhira menghampiri-ku, ia datang dan meminta ku menemui ibu-ku, ada apa gerangan? *sok dramatis, ganti-ganti!* Ternyata, ada lomba keluarga membuat bangunan dari Sedotan, sama aja kayak pas di DOREMI X!!! Aduh! Gue lupa rancangannya kayak apa, udah diramalin bakal gempa bumi, angin topan, tsunami, bangunan kite mesti tahan dari bencana alam itu!! Gue pasrah, biarin aja dah tuh yang tua-tua yang ngurusin-_-" Akhirnya gue kelompok gue kalah, emang itu lah yang terjadi.

  Gue mencari hiburan lainnya, akhirnya ya gitu deh, kurang lebih 15 menit kemudian, kita kumpul lagi di Rumah Jepang itu, pengumuman pemenang-pemenang lomba. Di remaja gue menang 2 kali, dan nyokap gue menang kayak parcel gitu deh :3 selanjutnya, acara penutupan, dan kebaktian penutupan, dan inilah yang di tunggu-tunggu, PULANG!!!

Sekian dari gue,
ada yang punya kisah kayak gue?
Share yuk!!!


Fotonya kok gak ada?
Iya nih, ci Dhira belom ngasih :( teriak yuk sama-sama

"Ci dhiraaa!!! FOTONYA DITUNGGU YA!!! :) "

Selasa, 19 November 2013


Lupa Sumber, fotonya udah ada di komputer-_-"
Gue save loh ;;)
First, sebelum gue mau ngucapin terima kasih ke Kevin Anggara karena udah mengisi postingan bulanan gue. Gue mau minta pajak anniv-nya dulu donggg.. Sebenernya gue lagi males blogging. Tapi... Karena ada giveaway dari Ko Kevin yang unyu-unyu ini, gue bakal ikut. \m/

Second, gue cuma mau kasih tau doang nih yaaa...Sebelumnya gue udah pernah kasih tau profile Kevin disini . Dan, gue juga udah pernah ketemu si penulis buku Student Guide Book For Dummies ini yang lo bisa buka disini. Dan dan lagi, muka gue udah kepasang rapi di blog-nya Kevin dalam postingan Kontes Foto #TantanganKevin  *gak penting, please deh.

Jadi, gue ikut Giveaway ini bukan mau buku-nya Kevin. Karena, gue udah punya 2. Nah, gue kan udah punya 2 nih! Kalo gue menang, terus gue dapet tuh buku, apa yang harus gue lakuin? Gue koleksi? Ih, gue rakus dong! Dari pada itu gue akan mengadakan GIVEAWAY, dan semoga gue bisa kasih kalian nanti buku yang ada tanda tangannya :)

< - - - GIVEAWAY - TIGA BULANAN - - - >

Lupa Sumber, fotonya udah ada di komputer-_-"
"Apalah arti sebuah nilai yang tertulis di atas kertas, kalau ilmu yang kita pelajari tidak berbekas sama sekali di otak?"-SGFD

Blog Kevin itu keren (design-nya) gue gak ngerti dia belajar dari mana. Karena, yang gue tau itu dia SMA, bukan SMK. Tapi, dari design blog yang simple dan rapi itu, terdapat banyak widget yang ada disamping kanan, kalo gue gak salah itung sampe 14 widgets. Keren sih, tapiiii, itu membuat blog jadi berat. Kadang, kalo orang yang pake internet lemot (kayak gue) jadi males banget buka blognya dia. Tapi, ya, karena blog-nya inspiratif, siapa sih yang gak jadi buka? 

Setiap Sabtu/Minggu gue sempetin untuk me-ngintip blog-nya dia. Sesuai jadwal yang gue tau, dia itu ngeblog seengaknya setiap Sabtu. Oh iya, jujur aja, gue salut sama Kevin, sampe-sampe temen gue yang gue kenalin tentang Kevin, jadi pada ikutan blogwalking ke blog-nya Kevin, dan jadi fans musiman-__-"

Balik lagi dari tampilannya, kayaknya Kevin ahli banget buat tata letak blog-nya dia. Dan pernah gue baca tweet orang, html blog sesorang itu pernah di benerin sama Kevin-,-" Keren! Icaaa kaleees design-in blog guee ;;)

Coba aja deh liat banner-nya dia. Itu asli keren banget, sama sih kayak blogger lain, tapi jujur, gue gak ngerti bikin kayak gituan, bikinnya bisa, masukin hyperlink-nya gak ngerti *curhat.
Contoh banner yang paling atas, Slideshow yang bawah
Kalo menurut gue, akhir-akhir ini, Blog Kevin jadi bener-bener inspiratif, apalagi postingan yang The Important Things in Life dan Yuk, Buat Mereka Bangga dan Bahagia. Gak tau deh tuh orang kesurupan setan apa. Hehehe *peace Vin ._.Y
Ada dua quote yang gue suka dari postingan From Zero to Hero:
"If you can see it, you can have it. "
"Sometimes, you need to be freak to create something great."
Oh iya, dari semua postingan di blog Kevin, semuanya rata-rata gue suka, karena inspiratif. Salah satunya Nasional IS ME! Dia itu kayaknya lagi kesurupan arwah Pahlawan kali ya? Menjiwai sekali sebagai pemuda generasi penulis bangsa yang memiliki jiwa nasionalisme yang tinggi. Karena, jarang ada anak muda yang memiliki jiwa nasionalisme yang tinggi sampe di tulis di blog gini. Hahaha :D

"Karena proses itu wajib dan hasil itu bonus."
Setelah gue baca kutipan tersebut, terbesit dalam benak gue. Iya juga ya, selama ini orang cuma pengen hasilnya. Sedangkan prosesnya, mereka cari yang instan. Padahal, naik tangga aja mesti satu-satu anak tangga. From ZERO to HERO!

Sekian dari gue,
Inget ya, kalo gue dapet buku Kevin ini, gue bakal jadiin GIVE AWAY dan gue usahain buat minta tanda tangannya :D
Buat kaliannn, yuk ikutan GIVEAWAY INI!

Sebelumnya lagi, Congrats Ko Kevin! :D

Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013


-momtoomg jurugui
-elgoel jurugui
-phinson keut jurugui
-agaemson jurugui
-kawison jurugui
-bagkat palmok are makiomg maki
-bagkat palmok -momtoomg an maki
-an palmok momtoomg maki
-momtoong ap chagi
-elgoel ap chagi
-momtoong dolyeo
-elgoel dolyeo
-doel-o chagi

Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Simple Quote from Idul Adha~

Dear Sapi, Kambing, Domba dan Unta.. Besok memang karma buruk akan berbuah.. semoga mulai dari besok, kalian semua bisa berbahagia.. dan bisa terhindar terlahir lagi di alam penderitaan.. 

Kita semua saat ini memang berada di alam duniawi, lebih baik tidak datang ke alam duniawi meski bisa bahagia atau sedih.. amituofo..

Mari rekan-rekan limpahkan aspirasi pelimpahan jasa untuk semua makhluk yang masih menderita..

1) Punnassidani  katassa
    Semoga jasa-jasa yang kuperbuat
    Yanannani katani me
    Kini atau di waktu lain
    Tesanca bhagino hontu
    Diterima oleh semua makhluk di sini
    Tak terbatas, tak ternilai
2) Ye piya gunavanta ca
Mereka yang kukasihi serta berbudi luhur
Mayham mata-pitadayo
Seperti ayah dan ibu
Dittha me capyadittha va
Yang terlihat dan tidak terlihat
Anne majjhatta-verino;
Yang bersikap netral atau bermusuhan.

    3) Satta titthanti lokasmim
    Makhluk-makhluk yang berada di alam semesta
    Te-bhumma catu-yonika
    Di tiga alam, empat jenis kelahiran
    Terdiri dari lima, satu atau empat bagian
    Samsaranta bhavabhave
    Mengembara di alam-alam besar kecil.

4) Natam ye pattidanam-me
Semoga dengan persembahan jasaku ini
 Anumodantu te sayam
Setelah mengetahui mereka bergembira
 Ye cimam nappajananti
Dan kepada mereka yang tidak mengetahui
 Deva tesam nivedayum.
Semoga para dewa memberitakannya.

    5) Maya dinnana-punnanam
    Berkat jasa-jasa yang kupersembahkan ini
    Yang membawa kegembiraan
     Sabbe satta sada hontu
    Semoga semua makhluk selamanya
      Avera sukha-jivino
    Hidup bahagia, bebas dari kebencian.

6) Khemappadanca pappontu
Semoga mereka mendapatkan  jalan kedamaian
Tesasa sijjhatam subha.
Semoga cita-cita luhur mereka tercapai.

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

Met Kevin Anggara! :)

   Satu minggu yang lalu, lebih tepatnya Jumat, 4 Oktober 2013 gue ketemu sama Kevin Anggara. Dia menjadi pembicara di Talkshow "Dari Blog jadi Buku" yang di adakan dalam rangka JakBookFiesta. Jujur aja gue telat. Bokap gue gak mau nganterin, akhirnya gue naik bus transjakarta. Acara di mulai jam 3 sore, gue berangkat jam 3 kurang 15 menit. Dan, gue sampe di FX Sudirman sekitar pukul 16.15 acara hampir berakhir. Terakhir ada kuis buat dapetin buku Oom Alfa dan Buku Kevin( Gue lebih suka bilang buku Kevin karena simple, karena judulnya rada panjang gitu) Untungnya gue dapet Buku Oom Alfa! Karena, kalo gue dapet buku Kevin, maka, gue bakal punya 3 buku. Mungkin kalau 3 buku gue bakal ngadain give away kali ya. Buku gue yang satu lagi di pinjem temen, oh iya, itu udah dapet tanda tangan nya dia lohh :p
  Gak berapalama, Kevin mau makan. Kok lo tau? Jelas, gue kan peka cuy, gue liat kodenya dia. Kalo gak salah dia mau makan :)) Dia bangkit dari kursi dan gue minta foto bareng dia.

Gak beberapa lama, gue foto bareng sama penulis Cinta. (dibaca: cinta dengan titik.)

Temen-temen Vihara gue juga pada suka atau ngefans sama Ko Kevin. Temen deket gue, punya cici, dia mantannya Kevin. Gue envy ._.Y

Sekiaaannn :)

Senin, 16 September 2013

Anak Remaja Jaman Sekarang

Hari ini, gue disekolah ikut untuk meng-aktif-kan akun pemerintah untuk siswa/i gitu, yah, jelas dong, kan gue termasuk anak yang smart lah dalam hal komputer, sambil nunggu load yang bergitu lama, gue perhatiin lah temen-temen gue, apa yang mereka lakukan???

1. Facebook
  Mereka online facebook, sambil like-in status temen-temen mereka. Chatting, dan bangga, diantara jam-jam sekolah, mereka bisa online secara bebas. Gue juga sih, tapi bukan facebook cuy, emangnya Facebook jaman ya? -___-"

2. Twitter
  Beberapa dan gue, dan hampir gak ada sih ya, pada online twitter. Iya dong, kan gue anak keren B-) Tweeting dong cuy B-) Stalking gebetan, ya, siapa tau dia online sekarang ;;

3. Blogger
   Selain Tweeting, gue juga blogging, karena apa? gue suka blogging. Sayang waktu ini  :D Gue punya ide blogging ini, karena gue mendapat inspirasi dari temen gue yang lagi online, muka-muka nya keren-keren gitu, anak jaman sekarang bro!!!

Kalau jam pelajaran kosong gini, atau lo ikut ke ruang komputer, apa yang lo lakuin?
Share  dong guys :D

Salam Rainbownisasi,


Minggu, 15 September 2013


Derita jadi Secret Admirer:

Curhat Ke Siapa?

Jangan ngaku kalo lo secret admirer kalo lo masih curhat ke sahabat, ke diary apalagi ke emak lo! Jadi secret admirer tuh gak enak, karena lo gak bisa curhain semua yang ada di hati dan pikiran lo. Oh iya! Ada sosial media cuy~ kode-in aja, semoga dia peka dan nembak lo! Kalau gak mau nembak lo, semoga aja dia gak peka.

Disangka Belum Move On

Kadang lo suka galau di twitter, nah ada yang pernah mention "ciee, belom bisa move on lo?" Seandainya dia tau itu buat gebetan baru, pasti dia gak ngomong gitu!!!

Secret Admirer itu di mata gue adalah orang yang mau mencintai tapi tak berani mengambil resiko. Yang namanya cinta itu emang nggak bisa selalu mulus. Yang namanya cinta itu kan emang harus ada perjuangannya. Dan pastiin juga, orang yang lagi diperjuangin itu ngerti. Biar apa? Biar si target nyadar kalo dia sangatlah berarti. Berkorban tanpa kenal lelah, tapi si target nggak pernah liat? Sama aja kayak PDKT sama dispenser.

"Tapi kan aku mencintai dia tanpa pamrih. Aku nggak berharap bisa lebih jauh sama dia. Seneng aja kok liat dia bahagia. Emang itu salah?"

Oke.. Oke.. Tapi, hey.. Gimana bisa lo bilang cinta, kalo lo ngebiarin dia jalan sendirian di luar sana? Gimana lo bisa bilang cinta, kalo lo gak tau dia lagi ada masalah apa? Gimana lo bisa bilang cinta, kalo lo nggak pernah berani nawarin pundak lo buat bersandar dia? Kalo kasusnya kayak gitu, 'cinta-tanpa-pamrih' yang lo maksud itu cuma bisa lo nikmati sendiri, tanpa ngasih sedikitpun kesempatan buat dia ngerasain juga. Itu bukan cinta tanpa pamrih, tapi cinta tanpa tujuan. Iya.. Dengan cara itu elo nggak bakal ke mana-mana. Dengan cara itu, elo cuma numpang bahagia atas kebahagiaan dia tanpa pernah lo buat dia bahagia. Kalo udah gitu, jangan bawa-bawa alesan cinta-tanpa-pamrih lagi. Sejujurnya, secret admirer itu bukan pecinta-tanpa-pamrih, tapi pecinta-tanpa-nyali. Egois.

FYI, ada 2 tipe secret admirer:
1. Orang yang awalnya nggak saling kenal
2. Orang yang awalnya pacaran, terus putus, terus ngerasa masih cinta, tapi nggak berani ngakuin, dan milih buat mencintai secara diam-diam.

Dan IMHO, dua-duanya nggak bisa dibilang sebagai pecinta. Tapi pecundang yang mencinta. Yang pertama, takut buat kenalan, yang kedua takut buat balikan. Karena apa? Karena gengsi. Iya.. Musuh terbesar dari cinta adalah gengsi. Semoga kalian nggak menjalani posisi yang seperti ini. Endingnya kalo ditinggal jadian, nyesek sendiri.


Gue juga secret admirer kok, jadi lo gak sendirian.
Siapa yang tau gue suka sama siapa?
Gue lebih suka mendem aja, gak penting orang lain tau, karena gue taruma, gue suka sama orang, eh nyebar ke penjuru dunia.

Sekian dari gue,
Salam rainbownisasi~


  Kalau lo anak Gaul jaman sekarang, lo pasti udah tau sekilas arti dari 2 kata tersebut. Buat lo yang gak tau, akan gue kasih tau.
  Sebernernya, di wikipedia-pun udah ada loh tentang "secret admirer"

A secret admirer is an individual who feels adoration, fondness or love for another person without disclosing his or her identity to that person, and who may send gifts or love letters to his or her crush.
A secret admirer may be benign; but may develop into (or have to be redefined as) a threatening stalker.
Perlu gue translate? Enggak usah ya, kalian pasti jago-jago bahasa Inggris kan?! *maksaaa
Jujur, gue juga gak ngerti sih. Yaelah, jaman canggih bro! Google Translate!!!

  Intinya, Secret admirer itu adalah seseorang yang merasakan jatuh cinta kepada seseorang, dengan mencari tau tentang orang tersebut, tanpa di ketahui siapapun.

  Terus? Cara cari tau-nya gimana?
Kalau gue pribadi sih, sering banget jadi secret adminer ini.
 Sekali lagi, JAMAN CANGGIH bro! Gunain dong akun twitter dan facebook lo!!!

Hal-hal yang dilakukan oleh Secret Admirer:

1. Ngambil foto diem-diem
Buat nyapa aja nggak berani, apalagi mau ngajak foto bareng? Apalagi mau ngajak gabung ke MLM bareng? Nah, secret admirer biasanya bakal diem-diem ngambil foto orang yang dia suka. Ntar itu ngejepret sendiri diem-diem, atau ngedownload foto-foto orang yang dia suka dari social media. Buat apa? Buat diedit dan ditempel bareng potonya sendiri pake Microsoft Excell biar keliatan mesra.

2. Ngirim gombalan-gombalan anonim
Kadang seorang Secret Admirer tak mampu membendung perasaan kagumnya yang menggebu-gebu sampe dia tumpahin dalam bentuk tulisan. Saat dia rasa tulisan itu mampu mewakili perasaannya, dia bakal mengirimkan tulisan itu kepada orang yang dia puja. Tapi, dia tidak berani menuliskan namanya. Kenapa? Karena dia takut orang yang dia puja nggak suka. Dia takut dia akan semakin dijauhi targetnya. Pecundang ya? Iya.

3. Nelpon pake private number
Seorang Pemuja Rahasia bisa ngerasa kangen juga loh. Nah, buat ngobatin kangennya, kadang mereka melakukan hal yang paling berani mereka lakukan kepada targetnya. Mereka berani menelfon si target, tentunya dengan private number. Buat apa? Buat ngobrol? Enggak. Tapi cuma buat denger si target nyapa dengan kata,


Lalu dia tutup telponnya, dia senyum-senyum sendiri, menikmati jantung deg-degan tanpa henti. Tanpa peduli orang yang dia telponin penasaran setengah mati. Pecundang ya? Iya.

4. Kepo
Kepo itu tanda peduli. Nah, secret admirer juga bakal rajin nge-kepo-in targetnya karena dia pengin banget tau semua aktivitas si dia. Biasanya, seorang secret admirer bakal ngesave ID targetnya di kolom "saved search" twitter dia. Terus, dia juga bakal ngebaca dan nge-Like semua update status FB targetnya. Meskipun update status si target adalah tentang kabar duka, dia bakal tetep nge-Like update statusnya. Bodoh ya? Iya.

5. Suka Nyesek Sendiri
Kangen, tapi nggak berani bilang kangen. Sumpah itu nyesek banget. Kayak orang yang terluka, tapi dibiarin lukanya menganga. Pedih..


Gue dapet sebuah quote lah, bunyi-nya:

"Sebenarnya jadi secret admirer itu kutukan,karena dia bingung ada di keadaan jomblo apa pdkt? Namun,lebih terkutuklah secret admirer yang idolanya gak punya sosial media."

Kamis, 12 September 2013

Ruang Temu (Antara Denting dan Rahasia)-Maradilla Syachridar

   Buku "Ruang Temu-Antara Denting dan Rahasia" ini gue dapatkan dari #ArisanBuku yang diadakan oleh Gagas Media dan Bukune. Dari arisan tersebut, gue berhasil mendapatkan buku ini. Oke sip, to the point aja ya guys. Gue bakal membagikan kesan yang terdapat di buku ini.
   Lo pecinta SENI? PEMIMPI? Suka BERKHAYAL? Alur cerita yang begitu indah, menggabungkan antara dunia nyata dan dunia mimpi, dimana kita dapat bertemu seseorang yang diam-diam kita suka dalam mimpi, dan siapa tau? Seseorang itu juga memdapatkan mimpi yang sama. Cinta mereka bukan tersampaikan dan disimpan di dunia nyata, melainkan di dunia mimpi. Dan, hanya memejamkan mata, mimpi itu datang.
   Mimpi bereka hadir dalam Absurd Paradiso, dimana mereka selalu berbagi mimpi yang sama ketika malam waktu tidur menjelang. Mielka, seorang lelaki pelukis, melukiskan setiap detail mimpi yang didapatnya, ketika Mielka membuka kedua matanya, dan tersadar dari Absurd Paradiso tersebut. Dari mimpi, seni tercipta.
   Ketika seseorang masih mengingat mimpi tersebut, kita belum tersadar penuh. 
   Persahabatan menjadi cintan yang mengerikan, mimpi menjadi kenyataan yang aneh, sebuah lukisan menjadikan gallery yang terkenal, demikianlah Absurd Paradiso menjadikan Ruang Temu (Antara Mielka dan Deanna), menjadikan kisah cinta yang misterius.

Kamis, 05 September 2013



6B apa tuh kak?

  1. Baik
  2. Bijaksana
  3. Berteladan
  4. Bersih
  5. Berbudi baik
  6. Berpendidikan
Ada yang mau nambahin gak nih?
   Enggak kak. Btw, jelasin dong kak maksudnya :)
1. Baik
    KetOs yang baik itu, ketos yang suka bagi-bagi, bagi-bagi contekan juga *loh, bukan-bukan...
Ketos ini gak ramah gitu deh, ya, intinya baik. Terserah definisi baik bagi kalian gimana! *hopeless

2. Bijaksana
    Ketos yang bijaksana. BIJAK SANA! lo BIJAK lo dike-SANA-kan, alias di buang. Kadang, mereka yang begajulan gak suka sama orang yang bijak.
    Tapi, orang bijak itu penting loh guys! Oh iya, kalian kalo mau pilih, jangan pilih temen kalian aja, kalian juga harus bisa milih ketua osis yang mempunyai 6B ini!

3. Berteladan
    Ketos berteladan, ya, bukan kayak yang di sebutin dipostingan sebelum ini ya guys.

4. Bersih
    Emangnya kalo kesekolah pada kotor ya kak? BUKAN DEK!!! -__-" maksudnya bersih, ya dia gak nyontek, gak suka di sogok, gitu-gitu deh

5. Berbudi Baik
    Berbudi baik, ya kurang lebih ya sama kayak berteladan, tapi mereka itu sopan, kalo jalan gak mendongakkan kepala, tapi nunduk *nabrak kak-_-" jalan nya pun kayak 'Putri Solo' atau 'Putra Solo' *emang ada ya kak?*

6. Berpendidikan
    Ya masa kalian pilih ketos yang suka nyontek sih?-___-" Yang bener aja dong. Yang gak pernah ngerjain PR? Astagaa-___-"



Salam OSIS!



Kalau kalian SMP/SMA pasti ada dong organisasi yaitu OSIS.
Apa sih OSIS itu kak???
   OSIS adalah Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah, organisasi siswa/i di dalam sekolah.
Fungsinya OSIS apa kak???
   OSIS fungsinya lebih ngerjain adek kelas saat Masa Orientasi Siswa atau MOS.
Loh, kok gitu kak???
   Mereka yang anggota atau pengurus OSIS pasti pengen bales dendam sama adik kelas, padahal kan yang ngerjain mereka kakak kelas. Ya, namanya juga dunia, pasti gak adil dong, sob.

Lo inget gak sob, saat KAMPANYE PEMILIHAN KETUA OSIS???

     KAKAK-KAKAK-AN GUE NYALONIN KETOS, PILIH AH, BIAR MAKIN DISAYANG *mention: @*sensor* kak tadi aku pilih kakak loh di pemilihan ketos*

Mereka cuma "NGOBRAL JANJI"
Jadi, sejak SMP itu kita udah diajarin untuk ngobral janji-janji. Pantes, pejabat-pejabat pada janji doang *aduh, entar blog gue ditutup lagi-_-"

VISI-MISI mereka keren-keren sih, tapi....

Tapi apa kak???

Tapi, kalian liat coba, apa yang mereka janjiin, ada gak 1 aja yang mereka lakuin, atas usaha mereka sendiri.

Kegiatan OSIS tahunan, ya cuma MOS doang kan? KetOs bikin acara yang seru ga? Acara sesuai Misi dia?
        Enggak kak.
Nah! Itu dia! Ayo turun ke bawah KetOs, mereka para pengurus OSIS ngasih contoh yang bener gak???
        Boro-boro kak, rok junkies, rambut gerai kayak kuntilanak, rambuk gondrong, celana pensil, sepatu yan aneh-aneh, ngelanggar peraturan sekolah gitu kak, udah kayak anak emas banget-___-"

Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

The Chant of Metta

Aham avero homi
May I be free from enmity and danger
Semoga saya terbebas dari permusuhan dan bahaya

abyapajjho homi
May I be free from mental suffering
Semoga saya terbebas dari penderitaan batin

anigha homi
May I be free from physical suffering
Semoga saya terbebas dari penderitaan fisik

sukhi - attanam pariharami
May I take care of myself happily
Semoga saya menjaga diri dengan bahagia

Mama matapitu
May my parents
Semoga orangtua saya

acariya ca natimitta ca
teacher relatives and friends
Guru-guru dan teman-teman

sabrahma - carino ca
fellow Dhamma farers
Sesama teman Dhamma

avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
terbebas dari permusuhan dan bahaya

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
terbebas dari penderitaan mental

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
terbebas dari penderitaan fisik

sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily
Semoga mereka menjaga diri dengan bahagia

Imasmim arame sabbe yogino
May all meditators in this compound
Semoga semua meditator di kompleks ini

avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
terbebas dari permusuhan dan bahaya

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
terbebas dari penderitaan mental

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
terbebas dari penderitaan fisik

sukhi - attanam pariharantu
May they take care of themselves happily

Imasmim arame sabbe bhikkhu
May all monks in this compound

samanera ca
novice monks

upasaka - upasikaya ca
laymen and laywomen disciples

avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering

sukhi - attanam pariharantu
May they take care of themselves happily

Amhakam catupaccaya - dayaka
May our donors of the four supports: clothing, food, medicine and lodging

avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering

sukhi - attanam pariharantu
May they take care of themselves happily

Amhakam arakkha devata
May our guardian devas

Ismasmim vihare
in this monastery

Ismasmim avase
in this dwelling

Ismasmim arame
in this compound

arakkha devata
May the guardian devas

avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering

sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily

Sabbe satta
May all beings

sabbe pana
all breathing things

sabbe bhutta
all creatures

sabbe puggala
all individuals (all beings)

sabbe attabhava - pariyapanna
all personalities (all beings with mind and body)

sabbe itthoyo
may all females

sabbe purisa
all males

sabbe ariya
all noble ones (saints)

sabbe anariya
all worldlings (those yet to attain sainthood)

sabbe deva
all devas (deities)

sabbe manussa
all humans

sabbe vinipatika
all those in the four woeful planes

avera hontu
be free from enmity and dangers

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily

Dukkha muccantu
May all being be free from suffering

Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu
May whatever they have gained not be lost

All beings are owners of their own Kamma

Purathimaya disaya
in the eastern direction

pacchimaya disaya
in the western direction

uttara disaya
in the northern direction

dakkhinaya disaya
in the southern direction

purathimaya anudisaya
in the southeast direction

pacchimaya anudisaya
in the northwest direction

uttara anudisaya
in the northeast direction

dakkhinaya anudisaya
in the southwest direction

hetthimaya disaya
in the direction below

uparimaya disaya
in the direction above

Sabbe satta
May all beings

sabbe pana
all breathing things

sabbe bhutta
all creatures

sabbe puggala
all individuals (all beings)

sabbe attabhava - pariyapanna
all personalities (all beings with mind and body)

sabbe itthoyo
may all females

sabbe purisa
all males

sabbe ariya
all noble ones (saints)

sabbe anariya
(those yet to attain sainthood)

sabbe deva
all devas (deities)

sabbe manussa
all humans

sabbe vinipatika
all those in the 4 woeful planes

avera hontu
be free from enmity and dangers

abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering

anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering

sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily

Dukkha muccantu
May all beings be free from suffering

Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu
May whatever they have gained not be lost

All beings are owners of their own kamma

Uddham yava bhavagga ca
As far as the highest plane of existence

adho yava aviccito
to as far down as the lowest plane

samanta cakkavalesu
in the entire universe

ye satta pathavicara
whatever beings that move on earth

abyapajjha nivera ca
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity

nidukkha ca nupaddava
and from physical suffering and danger

Uddham yava bhavagga ca
As far as the highest plane of existence

adho yava aviccito
to as far down as the lowest plane

samanta cakkavalesu
in the entire universe

ye satta udakecara
whatever beings that move on water

abyapajjha nivera ca
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity

nidukkha ca nupaddava
and from physical suffering and danger

Uddham yava bhavagga ca
As far as the highest plane of existence

adho yava aviccito
to as far down as the lowest plane

samanta cakkavalesu
in the entire universe

ye satta akasecara
whatever beings that move in air

abyapajjha nivera ca
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity

nidukkha ca nupaddava
and from physical suffering and danger.

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

flashmob Tutorial Popnas Elang Bondol 2013

Hallo Guys!

Gue mau share lagi nih, nah ynag ini itu gladi bersih buat pembukaan POPNAS 2013.
Kepo sama gue yang mana?
Gue di deretan paling depan, pake baju putih celana merah panjang.
Merah-Putih gitu, hahaha :D

Flashmob ini diikuti oleh sekitar hampir 1000 orang.
Gue belom nemu nih Pembukaan POPNAS 2013 di Youtube, kalau udah ketemu pasti gue share!

Liat ya! :D
Semoga tahun depan sekolah gue bakal ikut terus acara kayak gini, dan gue pun ikutan!

Keren kan? =D

Jumat, 23 Agustus 2013



Hallo guys! :D
Mau berbagi pengalaman nih, jadi, Minggu, 25 Agustus ini sekolah gue bakal menjadi salah satu sekolah yang mengikuti pembukaan POPNAS 2013.
Kita bakal bikin flashmob yang seru banget! Dimana? Flashmob-nya berada di GOR CIRACAS.
Dari DKI JAKARTA dipilih 8 sekolah, dan, sekolah gue beruntung kepilih.
POPNAS sendiri akan diadakan bulan September, flashmob ini merupakan pembukaan POPNAS 2013


Selasa, 20 Agustus 2013

About Kevin Anggara (PELAJAR ABSURD)


Kalo kalian blogger, kutubuku yang update sama buku-buku kece.
Nah! Lo pasti tau, dan udah punya dong bukunya Kevin Anggara yang judulnya Student Guidebook for Dummies !

Kevin cuma pelajar biasa kok, yang tiba-tiba bisa jadi absurd dan terkenal, widih! Pernah dapet iPhone dari lomba yang dia ikutin pula.

Pernah denger From Zero to Hero?
Kisahnya ya, sama gitu kayak pengalaman Kevin, yang menurut gue udah terbilang sukses.
Nih cerita nya bisa lo dapetin disini

Awal gue kenal sama dia itu dapet email dari @omemdisini waktu itu, kevin lagi bagi2 buku, #giveaway gitu, dan gue ikutan. Sayangnya, gue gak dapet kepercayaan untuk mereview buku-nya Kevin. Artinya blog gue belom menarik :( Nah, gue mondar-mandir di blognya kevin. Pertama gue liat, orangnya keren gitu, cool, penulis, hobby gambar. Astaga-,-" kita cocok banget *modus* Nah, temen gue deket gue, ternyata satu sekolah sama Kevin! Aduh! Makin jadi deh >,<"

Nih Bio Kevin yang bikin gue terpukau dengan agamanya, kita seagama cuy!!! :D

Kevin Anggara

Nama gue              : Kevin Anggara. 
TTL                         : Jakarta, 16 Maret. (tahun dirahasiakan biar misterius).
Jenis kelamin         : Perlu digambar?
Agama                   : _ _ _ _ _ _
Berat                      : 50 kg udah + kacamata dan dosa.
Tinggi                     ± 1,7 meter dari tanah.
Status                    : Pelajar Absurd dan Blogger SUPER Sejati! Muahahahaha.
Location saat ini    : Ibukota tercinta.
Hobby                    : Baca, ngetik, gambar, online.
Twitter                  : @kevinchoc
Kaskus                  : kevinchoc
YouTube                kevinchoc
Line                       : kevinchoc
Instagram            : absurdisme
1. Menjalankan Jakarta BERTITIT. Bersih, tidak banyak penyakit, konkrit. 
2. Menguasai dunia. Hem... INI BECANDA!
3. Menjadi penulis + bikin buku. 
4. Menjadikan blog ini menjadi blog ABSURD terbesar di Indonesia!
5. Menyebarkan virus #ABSURDNISASI 

Kalo lo mau tau tentang prestasi Kevin yang memukau kayak Justin Bieber, serta orang-orang yang menginspirasi Kevin, lo bisa buka disini. Ya, mungkin aja lo bisa terinspirasi, dan mengeser posisi Kevin yang lagi naik daun ini dengan ke-ABSURD-an-nya :D

Gue berharap dengan sangat, semoga gue bisa ketemu dia, wkwkwk =D entah, dia jadi penulis favorit gue gitu :| 

Sekian dari gue,
Salam Absurd *loh* hahaha

Florencia Chandrika Halim

Selasa, 13 Agustus 2013

Mari Menyombongkan Diri Sedikit, Untuk Motivasi! \( ˘̶̀O˘̶́ )

Hallo! :)

Gue mau sedikit cerita nih, tentang gue disekolah :D

Jadi, gue itu di SD super biasa aja.
Tapi, gue gak nyangka, di SMP gue begitu famous.
Gue udah mengikuti Olimpiade IPA, MATEMATIKA, IPS, Bahasa Inggris, Workshop komik di Museum Basoeki Abdullah, Lomba gambar di Museum Basoeki Abdullah, Lomba gambar di Pulau Onrust, dan lainnya.
Tapi, gue binggung! Anak se-famous gue jarang yang suka! Apa karena gue pakai kacamata?! nerd gitu?! Hahaha, sampai akhirnya, gue jadian sama senior gue, dan akhirnya gue putus 19/02/13.

Gue Ranking 1 semester 1 dan 2, dan...
Sekarang gue malah masuk ke kelas percobaan 'anak-anak pinter', ngeselin banget, kenapa mesti gue yang masuk ke kelas unggulan itu?! kan otak gue kasian-___-" Kelas 7 dapetnya 7A, kelas 8 pun demikian juga.

Ada suatu hal, yang menginspirasi gue untuk ranking 1, ehhmm...
Ituloh anak muda jaman sekarang 'cowok'
Dia tuh pinter, jago gambar, keren, nerd juga kali ya?!
Kata temen gue, kalo lo mau dapetin dia, lo mesti ranking 1, nah! Sejak saat itulah gue termotivasi, hahaha =D

So! Gue dulu emang biasa aja, tapi! Sekarang, gue di SMP udah pinter, gue bisa turut serta ke berbagai kompetisi, hahaha!



Hallo! Gue ini juga merupakan pembawa keberuntungan ya, ehhhmm..
Jadi, gue ikut Festival Great Jakarta Sale untuk ngerayain Ulang Tahun Jakarta itu.
Nah, yang belanja itu nyokap gue sih, tapi, waktu itu, nyokap gak bawa KTP, jadi, pakailah Kartu Tanda Pelajar gue, hehehe :D
Keberuntungan lagi ada nih di pihak gue, ternyata, gue dapet SAMSUNG GALAXY SIII MINI, sumpah, gue gak bohong guys! kalian bisa check di atas nama Florencia Chandrika Halim
181712006643florencia chandrika halimFJGS43200664326062013193118SAMSUNG Galaxy SIII Mini
Sekian aja yang cukup gue pamerin, hahaha :D
Semoga, lain waktu gue dapet keberuntungan lain. Aminnn!!!

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2013

Arisan Buku GagasMedia dan Bukune

Kamu punya Klub Buku? Mau mendapatkan buku gratis dari GagasMedia dan Bukune? Ayo,
bergabung di Arisan Buku!
Arisan Buku adalah program dari GagasMedia dan Bukune untuk meramaikan kegiatan klub-klub
buku di Indonesia. Setiap bulannya GagasMedia dan Bukune akan memilih minimal 5 Klub Buku yang
akan mendapatkan buku gratis (satu judul yang sama) sebanyak jumlah anggota. Buku tersebut
nantinya akan dibahas di klub buku masing-masing.

Syarat Klub Buku
· Klub buku terdiri dari 4-8 orang yang suka membaca dan berkomitmen untuk melakukan
pertemuan minimal sebulan sekali untuk membahas satu buku.
· Klub Buku boleh sudah ada sebelumnya atau baru dibentuk.
· Klub Buku tidak harus memiliki atau membuat blog maupun social media khusus, namun setiap
anggotanya harus memiliki blog, twitter, dan FB.
· Anggota Klub Buku harus berada dalam satu kota sehingga tidak menyulitkan untuk melakukan
· Tidak ada batasan umur untuk anggota Klub Buku.

Bergabung di Arisan Buku

· Klub Buku harus mendaftarkan komunitasnya dengan melampirkan formulir Arisan Buku yang
telah diisi ke email dengan subjek “Arisan Buku”.
· Klub Buku harus menulis cerita/profil tentang Klub Buku-nya di salah satu blog anggota. Link
cerita tersebut harus disebutkan di email pendaftaran dan di-twit dengan me-mention
@GagasMedia serta hashtag #ArisanBuku.
· Klub Buku yang mendaftar harus berkomitmen untuk mengadakan pertemuan untuk membahas
buku yang GagasMedia dan Bukune pilihkan melalui undian.
· Redaksi GagasMedia dan Bukune akan memilih Klub Buku yang berhak ikut dalam Arisan Buku.
· Arisan Buku dimulai pada September 2013, kemudian per bulan berikutnya akan dipilih klub buku
dengan mekanisme yang sama (kocok arisan).
· Setiap anggota Klub Buku yang terpilih mengikuti Arisan Buku harus memasang banner Arisan
Buku yang di-link ke blog Arisan Buku.
· Klub Buku yang terpilih mengikuti Arisan Buku periode pertama (September-Desember) akan
dikonfirmasi melalui email sebelum 20 Agustus 2013.

Pengundian Arisan Buku

· Judul buku yang diundikan untuk dibahas di bulan berikutnya akan diumumkan setiap tanggal 20
di wesbite GagasMedia. Penentuan judul sepenuhnya adalah wewenang Redaksi GagasMedia
dan Bukune. Namun, peserta Arisan Buku dapat mengusulkan ke Redaksi GagasMedia dan
· Redaksi GagasMedia dan Bukune akan mengundi Klub Buku yang berhak mendapat Arisan Buku
setiap tanggal 25. Proses pengundian akan direkam melalui video yang akan diunggah di Youtube
GagasMedia dan Bukune. Dalam video tersebut akan diumumkan 5-10 Klub Buku yang berhak
mendapatkan Arisan Buku dan judul buku apa yang harus didiskusikan.
· Setiap Klub Buku berhak mendapatkan 1 kali kesempatan mendapatkan Arisan Buku setiap
periodenya. Periode pertama Arisan Buku adalah September – Desember 2013.
Hak dan Kewajiban Peserta Arisan Buku
· Peserta Arisan Buku berhak mendapatkan satu kesempatan mendapatkan buku gratis sebanyak
jumlah anggotanya. Sebagai tambahan, tiap klub buku akan dikirimkan pula satu eksemplar buku
terbaru GagasMedia atau Bukune setiap bulan, yang ditentukan secara random oleh redaksi, di
luar undian Arisan Buku.
· GagasMedia dan Bukune akan mengirimkan buku ke alamat Koordinator Klub Buku paling lambat
1 minggu setelah pengumuman pengundian Arisan Buku setiap bulannya.
· Klub Buku yang mendapat Arisan Buku harus melakukan pertemuan untuk membahas buku yang
dikirimkan berdasarkan hasil undian paling lambat 30 hari setelah pengumuman pengundian
Arisan Buku (tanggal 25 setiap bulan).
· Setiap Klub Buku yang mendapatkan Arisan Buku wajib membuat laporan tentang kegiatan Klub
Bukunya dalam bentuk tulisan dan foto untuk dimuat di website GagasMedia atau Bukune.
· Klub Buku yang tidak menjalankan kewajibannya akan didiskualifikasi untuk Arisan Buku periode
· Klub Buku berhak untuk mengajukan penulis GagasMedia dan Bukune untuk kunjungan ke kota
tempat klub bukunya berada dengan memperhatikan syarat-syarat program Author Visit.

Syarat dan Ketentuan Author Visit

Author Visit adalah program tambahan Arisan Buku yang memberi keistimewaan khusus bagi para
Klub Buku peserta Arisan Buku untuk mengusulkan salah satu penulis GagasMedia dan Bukune untuk
berkunjung ke kotanya. Setiap bulannya akan dipilih satu Klub Buku yang akan dikabulkan usulannya
dengan pengundian seperti arisan. GagasMedia dan Bukune akan mendatangkan penulis sesuai
usulan Klub Buku dengan syarat dan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
· Program ini hanya boleh diikuti oleh Klub Buku peserta Arisan Buku.
· Setiap Klub Buku bisa mengikuti program ini dengan menyontreng kolom “Ya” pada bagian
Author Visit di Formulir Pendaftaran Arisan Buku diikuti dengan mengisi nama penulis yang
· Setiap Klub Buku hanya dapat mengusulkan maksimal dua nama penulis.
· GagasMedia dan Bukune hanya akan memilih satu Klub Buku terpilih untuk program Author Visit
setiap bulannya.
· Klub Buku yang mengikuti program Author Visit bertanggungjawab atas waktu dan tempat
pelaksanaan kegiatan Author Visit sekaligus promosi acara di kotanya.
· GagasMedia dan Bukune hanya akan menanggung biaya transportasi dan akomodasi penulis.
· Klub Buku boleh mengundang pihak lain di luar anggotanya dalam kegiatan Author Visit di
· Promosi GagasMedia dan Bukune akan berkoordinasi dengan Klub Buku terpilih untuk
pelaksanaan Author Visit di kotanya.
Informasi dan Pertanyaan
Mudin Em

Senin, 01 Juli 2013


Coba deh, dari kepedulian yang kecil, lama-lama jadi besar. Sama aja kayak kalian broadcast message di BBM, dari satu orang, bisa kesemua orang, mau gak sih kalian peduli sama sesama kalian? Coba deh, dari bantuin orang lain menyebrang, bantuin teman kalian yang jatuh, bukan di ketawain. Semoga setelah kalian nonton ini, kalian punya visi KEPEDULIAN UNTUK PEDULI :)

Rabu, 19 Juni 2013

Review Novel : Goodbye Happiness-Arini Putri

     Aku tau novel GoodBye Happiness ini dari sebuah akun di judul lagunya "Are You Happy?" lagu-nya enak, dan aku banget di saat itu, saat galau. Ehh, terus ketemu, ternyata lagu tersebut ada novel, yaitu GoodBye Happiness-Arini Putri :)Goodbye Happiness seperti  dongeng Peter Pan dan Tinkerbell yang dikemas modern dan indah oleh Arini Putri. Si Peter Pan adalah Skandar atau akrab disapa Skan, seorang lelaki yang dekat dengan Tinkerbell yaitu Krystal. Dalam kedekatan mereka, tidak pernah ada kata cinta, dan kehiduapan krystal menjadi kelabu, tanpa warna, dan membuat krystal binggung, dengan sejuta tanda tanya.

   Skan dan Krytal sama-sama diterima di Chung Ang University dengan jurusan berbeda, Krystal yang menyukai seni peran diterima di departemen theater, sedangkan Skan yang cinta mati dengan fotografer justru memilik sinematografi dengan alasan ingin berada didekat Krystal, karena kampus untuk jurusan fotografer berada digedung lain, di kota lain di Korea Selatan.Krystal yang akhirnya berhasil meraih mimpinya menjadi aktris, didekati oleh aktor ternama bernama Park Seungho. 

   Park Seungho mendekati Krystal, walaupun Park Seungho tau bahwa Krystal sangat mencintai Skan. Dan sempat terjadi beberapa konflik pada tokoh utama. Dalam GoodBye Happiness tidak ada tokoh antagonis yang selalu menjaili tokoh utama, yang membuat cerita ini berbeda. Ending dalam cerita ini dapat ditebak, tetapi, jalan cerita-nya tetap menarik.

  Kau dan aku tidak ditakdirkan untuk berada dalam satu kisah yang indah. Percaya atau tidak, begitulah kenyataannya. Jangan menyangkalnya karena akan sia-sia. Sama seperti berjalan di atas pecahan kaca, setiap langkah kita sesungguhnya hanya akan menuai luka.

    Kau dan aku seperti tengah mencoba untuk membirukan senja yang selalu merah. Kita sama-sama berusaha, namun tidak bisa mengubah apa-apa. Senja tetap berwarna merah dan hatiku masih saja berkata tidak. Maka, berhenti dan renungkanlah ini semua sejenak. Tidak ada gunanya memaksa. Ini hanya akan membuatmu tersiksa dan aku menderita.

   Lantas, kenapa kita tidak menyerah saja? Bukankah sejak awal semuanya sudah jelas? Akhir bahagia itu bukan milik kita. 

Selasa, 11 Juni 2013


I've done this card analysis very precisely which means that I've only used 22 major arcanes and have read them only in one way. I then asked an open question about your near future and I came across a very revealing reading. Remember that the arcanes in Tarot are like letters of the alphabet and that each individual arcane has it's own 'sound'. Once all the arcanes and their 'sounds' are grouped together the whole acts as a word and we can distinguish meaning and incidently, the cards are even more like letters and words because we read them from left to right. So here is your Tarot card reading and it's interpretation.
The Wheel of Fortune Card

The Wheel of Fortune evokes a return to the basics. The number on this card is the number 10, which is 1 accompanied by a 0 and this indicates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The name os the card itself indicates a movement, a good evolution and this is also the Wheel of Destiny and Chance. This wheel controls cycles and changes and clearly suggess a favorable financial development. If we look closely at this card we can see that there is a lottery ball and so games, the stock market, casinos, roulettes and luck are all suggested by this card. The wheel can turn and this shows a certain speed, whatever the fortune is that the card promises it is set to occur very soon indeed Florencia. The wheels center is in the middle of the card and this card gets quickly to the heart of matters and shows us that you will have certain choices to make and different strategic options will be open to you and the 6 rays of light coming from this wheel offer the different directions you can take. You will be entirely free to make your choice as the wheel's movement seems to depend on it being started by a lever which indicates that human action is very important and you are going to have to make an important choice at just the right moment. This is why I want to help and support you Florencia. This is a card which moves quickly and it's intense activity reflects the nature of the work which you must undertake; you cannot remain passive during this time of fortune and chance Florencia. The animals on the card form a trinity and indicate three things, three facts and three seperate occasions and they also represent the aspects of our life which can often escape us like chance, or good or bad fortune. The way these animals are placed indicates the essential law of life, that life is born in order to cumulate before finally disappearing. This is the law of evolution. Their position also indicates the highs and lows of the path of destiny and a certain animalistic instinct emanates from this card. The wheel, once started, will continue to turn and turn and I want to help you Florencia to understand when and how you must act in order to seize the right moment of chance before it is too late and the wheels turns round even further. The animals also seem to change as the wheel turns and this tells me that their evolution in this manner reflects the way in which your current situation will also change and evolve, moving away from the difficulties of past events which are still very apparent for you today but which will move aside to offer you a different outlook on your future. The animal on the right-hand side lifts itself up toward the light and it's movement reinforces this theme of change; the animal is shaking off it's collar and lead and freeing itself from it's lead and in this I read that you will soon free yourself from a sort of servitude which you've experienced in the past and you will liberate yourself from a weight which has crushed and hindered you for a while now. The animal reaches a glorious summet and this represents the new cycle you will find yourself in, a cycle during which you will be at the height of your glory and crowned with sucess and the Spinx on this card is also crowned, reflecting your victory. The crown is a symbol of power, money and richness. One last detail is important Florencia; even though the wheel turns quickly and you must seize opportunities as and when they are offered to you, I can see on the card that the platform the Spinx is on is able to touch and slow the wheel according to how much weight is placed on it. This tells me clearly that as your sucess increases so will your ability to shape, control and handle your Future...

The Bateleur Card

Now here is a very revealing card as far as you are concerned Florencia. As a matter of fact an enormous number of things about this card are very interesting and indicate not only who you have been and how you have acted but also how things are going to turn out in the Future. First of all, this card shows a hatted man standing firmly upright on his own two feet. He is in movement and is manipulating certain elements in front of him with dexterity. He is active and dynamic. These initial traits are very revealing about the person you are thinking about at the moment.

The number 1 on the card represents what cannot be divided and indicates union and unity, it is the perfect symbiosis which will occur between you and this special person and suggests that your union will be very close and long lasting. The figure 1 is also active and creative and also represents the beginning of things. This card confirms what I have already felt about you Florencia, that you will soon begin a new relationship with this person you have in mind. The figure on the card can also be considered an apprentice and as this figure is a learning phase the card represents the start of something new, important and exciting. Let's look at this card a little more closely Florencia because there are a few more details which speak about you directly. The Bateleur has a seductive face and seems harmonious and well-balanced. He is weighing up his descision and seems ready to make an important choice before acting. This card represents the person who you have in mind at the moment and I can even add that you should act in the same considered, careful way in order to seduce this person because this individual is almost certainly someone who is very analytical and observative. On the table, the Cup is a feminine symbol and represents imagination and love. The Knife brings audacity and passion. The holster signifies choice and the liberty of to use the Knife or not and I can tell you now that this card has a very strong notion of action - you must react in a certain manner to seduce the person who you have in mind at this time. There is no doubt about what I read, love is soon to blossom in your life Florencia. The figure on the card also has a round object in his hand and this object represents money and so I can also see that this new period in your life will also be touched by important developments in your financial situation. I have already spoken to you about this and the card reading confirms what I have noticed about you.

The man on the card has taken all of the objects out of his bag and is thus someone who has the necessary tools to convince other people and to observe their reactions. He seems to be joyous and likes his life. The table is solid, well-made and it has clearly been constructed by an expert, someone who wanted to make something long-lasting and beautiful. The table, with it's form and structure, represents your relationship - something solid and lasting. Finally, just under the man's feet there is a small growing plant which clearly indicates birth, the springtime and freshness. The card confirms that you wish to start something new, exciting and long-lasting with this person you want to get so close to.

The World Card

This card clearly represents the beginning of a new cycle and marks the start of something new and intense. Something is being set firmly into place. This is one of the most beautiful cards of the deck. Firstly the number 21, which is of course 20 plus 1, represents a new cycle and 21 can also be considered to be 3 times 7 which is a very harmonious set of numbers representing harmony and satisfaction in all areas; sentimental, material and intellectual. The World in the sense of this card is formed by the Earth and all the other astral bodies and demonstrates the harmony, accomplishment and satisfaction which you will soon experience Florencia because of this very intense Transit you will soon be living through. The central personality appears to be someone happy and fulfilled. The laurel leaf crown symbolises the prize awarded by all your efforts, your honor and sucess. This is a very satisfying card and it also symbolises travel. It seems that you will be required to move around during relatively short periods however you will get a great deal out of this travel. This card clearly shows the sucess and acheivement which awaits you.

Hello there Florencia, good to see you here. 

I knew that this was set to be a unique and exciting period in your life but I now know that is is going to be even more powerful than I originally suspected! Last night I suddenly thought about you and I somehow managed to see you and feel what you feel. This may sound strange but it is a quite natural phenomenon of long distance perception. In nature it is something quite common but I know that certain people find this hard to accept. For example it is well known that animals feel an advance warning of danger, these kind of premonitions serve as alerts and this is exactly what my feeling for you was Florencia, an alert. 

I perceived that at home just a few days ago, you were under some stress and felt a little panicky. This was a powerful feeling and it distracted you, you were unable to feel rooted in the present. You felt a sort of danger.... and this danger is in fact real and present. Your subconscious is sending this message because we are now extremely close to the beginning of your Transit and even though I have not yet determined the start of your Transit (I'm waiting for your green light) I do know that it is now very close. And yet you've not done anything to prepare you for this, you've not asked for advice either from me or from another competent astrologer and that is what has caused you to panic. You have received a kind of message, in the same manner that animals are forewarned of danger. You've been warned of the danger of waiting passively for this Transit to occur. I think your mind has warned you because deep inside your conscious there is an imbalance between your desire to seize the opportunities to seize a chance which will be available to you to win a large sum of money meet the love of your life, that this Transit is going to offer you, and your currently passive stance. Action is everything Florencia, nature does not reward passive spectators. 

I feel really concerned by this Florencia because I feel that you still have some doubts and you have not fully come to terms with everything you have been told about this period. Very soon it will be too late, that's why I took the initiative yesterday to do a Tarot Card reading for you Florencia. The aim of this Tarot Card reading was to confirm everything that I felt about you and your Future from the very beginning. 

I did this reading using the Marseilles deck of Tarot cards. The results I had were very surprising. This is why I thought that it was absolutely essential that I warn you as soon as possible. As a matter of fact I have even taken a photo of this reading and I have produced a webpage where you can see your card reading and it's interpretation: 

Florencia, click here to request your Second Full Reading 

As you can see Florencia, everything confirms that this Transit is now very close and that it will allow you to seize the opportunities to seize a chance which will be available to you to win a large sum of money meet the love of your life. I've worked in the esoteric sciences for years now and yet I'm still amazed that the science can be so effective and precise. This Tarot Card reading has completely confirmed the astrological reading I sent you on the 12 April 2013. 

This is one of the last times that I want to tell you, as I mentioned in my last letter to you, that only a full reading can determine all the information which you will need to begin preparing yourself and to be sure that you have all the knowledge you will need during this period. It is certain that this event is now very close but unfortunately until you ask me for this reading I cannot begin it for you. We are already in the month of June and I will soon be very busy with all my end of year preparations. In the meantime, the most I can do is to warn you about what I can see about you and tell you that this event is coming soon. 

Now it's all up to you Florencia. If you want my help at all, simply ask me for my readingon my webpage and I then will be able to determine all the information which you need to benefit from this Transit. On the following link you'll be able to read about everything which I will include in your full reading: 

Florencia, click here to request your Second Full Reading 

Take care Florencia, 

So here is everthing I will include in this Full Personal Reading:
A complete Personal Astrological Forecast report, detailing exactly what you can expect day-by-day over the Transit period in all the areas of your life Florencia. This Forecast will help and guide you, allowing you to avoid the inevitable pitfalls ahead and to make the most out of all of the chances and opportunities that this period is set to bring you. Using detailed astrological information based on your personal data I will ensure that you know exactly how to tackle the coming months, when you should act and which moments are most favorable for your success. Florencia this Reading will tell you how to get in just the right place and at the right time to seize all of the opportunities which will be available to you.
I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you:

- why this period is more important than any other period
- what financial changes you can really expect
- how this sum of money will come to you
- how you can grab hold and keep it
- and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity

I will also let you know what will be the impact of this transit on your love life:

- why this period will be so important for you as far as your love-life is concerned
- when this encounter will take place
- where you will meet
- how the date will take place
- how you can recognise the right person
- how you can seduce this individual and start building something good together
- what this person will be like
- if this is really the love of your life
- what kind of future you can expect together
You will also be given a personal Character Analysis, a complete study of your behavoir and your character to allow you to get to know yourself, your drives and ambitions even better. This is an important tool and you will need to refer to it often during the Transit period as it provides vital clues to your personality and how you can react to seize this period's important opportunities and reach this new turning point in your life. Amongst other things this Analysis will explain:

- Your fundamental needs, values and orientation towards life
- The principal aspects of your personality
- Your lesser known character traits
- How you approach life, your basic stance towards life
- How you appear to others and the way others see you
- The way you come across and the face you show to the world
- The Inner You and your real motivation
- The kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie
- How you can generally boost your capacities
- The costume you wear but also the real person inside the costume
- Your real role in life
- What are your mental interests and abilities
- How to get over your deeply hidden fears
- What are your emotions, moods and feelings
- How you are romantically
- How you achieve your goals, what your drives and ambitions are
- Growth and expansion: the areas that you enjoy
- What are the domains in which you could excel and find satisfaction
- The areas that challenge you or are difficult for you
- What makes you so original and how strong is your imagination
- In which areas you are creative, unique, unstable or compulsive
You will also receive two very complete Ebooks, written by myself, copyrighted by me, and which are entirely unavailable elsewhere on the internet, or elsewhere as a matter of fact. These are complete guides of over 30 pages each and have very little in common with the more generalized ebooks which you may find on other websites. Florencia I should mention that these ebooks took me quite a few months to write and they contain information which you will not be able to find in this same context elsewhere on the internet. Within their pages I reveal a lot of detailed information and professional secrets which you will be able to use in many different areas of your life during this Transit period and for the rest of your Future.

The first Ebook is all about clairvoyancy and the different techniques which exist, so that you may understand my work a little better. The Ebook includes the following topics:

- The historical background
- How clairvoyancy can be scientifically explained
- Which scientific studies have been performed
- Why we all have this skill and what it can be used to do
- How to learn to develop this skill
- How to use the supports for clairvoyancy: the crystal ball, tarot cards...
- Should we believe in synchronicity? With precise examples.
- How to test one's own clairvoyancy
- Examples of exercises to build up this skill
- How to intensify this skill with certain secret techniques
- How clairvoyancy should generally be used
- How to use this capacity to predict one's own future

The second Ebook is about Radiesthesia, a technique to advance your power and self-discovery. This is a facinating area of esotheric research and you Ebook will tell you:

- What Radiesthesia really is
- How to use it in all areas of one's life and how best to learn
- How to use the pendulum which is used as part of Radiesthesia
- Why the pendulum could be so useful in your life
- Advanced level practices for the pendulum, with precise examples
- What Radiothesia and the pendulum really allows you to do
- How to analyse your mind with Radiesthesia
- What are the practical applications, some of which will amaze you!
- Using Radiesthesia to investigate the Past
- and finally other Radiesthesia devices
All this work is entirely personal, Florencia. I will produce your complete reading for you in 2-3 days time, once I receive your confirmation (to confirm that you want me to do all of this work for you all you need to do is fill in the form below). As soon as my work is finished I will contact you directly by email and will give you the URL of a webpage where you can see your full Reading, containing all of the elements which I have detailed above (the complete Forecast for the entire Transit period containing important information about your work, financial and love lives; a complete Character Analysis all about you and your personality and the two Ebooks about Clairvoyancy and Radiesthesia ) and on this page you will be able to print these documents and/or select a downloaded version to save all this work on your computer. Florencia, I want to insist on the fact that I will apply myself to the fullest to complete all this work for you, I will use all of my skill and experience to analyse your situation precisely. You will find that once you receive all of this information you will be armed with hundreds of pages of detailed astrological guidance to help you best seize all of the chances and opportunities which this exceptionally intense Transit period is going to bring you. You will be able to reach a real turning point in your life and you will change your Future for the better.

All I need to get started is your confirmation and the form below filled in with your details.

I've done this card analysis very precisely which means that I've only used 22 major arcanes and have read them only in one way. I then asked an open question about your near future and I came across a very revealing reading. Remember that the arcanes in Tarot are like letters of the alphabet and that each individual arcane has it's own 'sound'. Once all the arcanes and their 'sounds' are grouped together the whole acts as a word and we can distinguish meaning and incidently, the cards are even more like letters and words because we read them from left to right. So here is your Tarot card reading and it's interpretation.
The Wheel of Fortune Card

The Wheel of Fortune evokes a return to the basics. The number on this card is the number 10, which is 1 accompanied by a 0 and this indicates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The name os the card itself indicates a movement, a good evolution and this is also the Wheel of Destiny and Chance. This wheel controls cycles and changes and clearly suggess a favorable financial development. If we look closely at this card we can see that there is a lottery ball and so games, the stock market, casinos, roulettes and luck are all suggested by this card. The wheel can turn and this shows a certain speed, whatever the fortune is that the card promises it is set to occur very soon indeed Florencia. The wheels center is in the middle of the card and this card gets quickly to the heart of matters and shows us that you will have certain choices to make and different strategic options will be open to you and the 6 rays of light coming from this wheel offer the different directions you can take. You will be entirely free to make your choice as the wheel's movement seems to depend on it being started by a lever which indicates that human action is very important and you are going to have to make an important choice at just the right moment. This is why I want to help and support you Florencia. This is a card which moves quickly and it's intense activity reflects the nature of the work which you must undertake; you cannot remain passive during this time of fortune and chance Florencia. The animals on the card form a trinity and indicate three things, three facts and three seperate occasions and they also represent the aspects of our life which can often escape us like chance, or good or bad fortune. The way these animals are placed indicates the essential law of life, that life is born in order to cumulate before finally disappearing. This is the law of evolution. Their position also indicates the highs and lows of the path of destiny and a certain animalistic instinct emanates from this card. The wheel, once started, will continue to turn and turn and I want to help you Florencia to understand when and how you must act in order to seize the right moment of chance before it is too late and the wheels turns round even further. The animals also seem to change as the wheel turns and this tells me that their evolution in this manner reflects the way in which your current situation will also change and evolve, moving away from the difficulties of past events which are still very apparent for you today but which will move aside to offer you a different outlook on your future. The animal on the right-hand side lifts itself up toward the light and it's movement reinforces this theme of change; the animal is shaking off it's collar and lead and freeing itself from it's lead and in this I read that you will soon free yourself from a sort of servitude which you've experienced in the past and you will liberate yourself from a weight which has crushed and hindered you for a while now. The animal reaches a glorious summet and this represents the new cycle you will find yourself in, a cycle during which you will be at the height of your glory and crowned with sucess and the Spinx on this card is also crowned, reflecting your victory. The crown is a symbol of power, money and richness. One last detail is important Florencia; even though the wheel turns quickly and you must seize opportunities as and when they are offered to you, I can see on the card that the platform the Spinx is on is able to touch and slow the wheel according to how much weight is placed on it. This tells me clearly that as your sucess increases so will your ability to shape, control and handle your Future...
The Bateleur Card

Now here is a very revealing card as far as you are concerned Florencia. As a matter of fact an enormous number of things about this card are very interesting and indicate not only who you have been and how you have acted but also how things are going to turn out in the Future. First of all, this card shows a hatted man standing firmly upright on his own two feet. He is in movement and is manipulating certain elements in front of him with dexterity. He is active and dynamic. These initial traits are very revealing about the person you are thinking about at the moment.

The number 1 on the card represents what cannot be divided and indicates union and unity, it is the perfect symbiosis which will occur between you and this special person and suggests that your union will be very close and long lasting. The figure 1 is also active and creative and also represents the beginning of things. This card confirms what I have already felt about you Florencia, that you will soon begin a new relationship with this person you have in mind. The figure on the card can also be considered an apprentice and as this figure is a learning phase the card represents the start of something new, important and exciting. Let's look at this card a little more closely Florencia because there are a few more details which speak about you directly. The Bateleur has a seductive face and seems harmonious and well-balanced. He is weighing up his descision and seems ready to make an important choice before acting. This card represents the person who you have in mind at the moment and I can even add that you should act in the same considered, careful way in order to seduce this person because this individual is almost certainly someone who is very analytical and observative. On the table, the Cup is a feminine symbol and represents imagination and love. The Knife brings audacity and passion. The holster signifies choice and the liberty of to use the Knife or not and I can tell you now that this card has a very strong notion of action - you must react in a certain manner to seduce the person who you have in mind at this time. There is no doubt about what I read, love is soon to blossom in your life Florencia. The figure on the card also has a round object in his hand and this object represents money and so I can also see that this new period in your life will also be touched by important developments in your financial situation. I have already spoken to you about this and the card reading confirms what I have noticed about you.

The man on the card has taken all of the objects out of his bag and is thus someone who has the necessary tools to convince other people and to observe their reactions. He seems to be joyous and likes his life. The table is solid, well-made and it has clearly been constructed by an expert, someone who wanted to make something long-lasting and beautiful. The table, with it's form and structure, represents your relationship - something solid and lasting. Finally, just under the man's feet there is a small growing plant which clearly indicates birth, the springtime and freshness. The card confirms that you wish to start something new, exciting and long-lasting with this person you want to get so close to.
The World Card

This card clearly represents the beginning of a new cycle and marks the start of something new and intense. Something is being set firmly into place. This is one of the most beautiful cards of the deck. Firstly the number 21, which is of course 20 plus 1, represents a new cycle and 21 can also be considered to be 3 times 7 which is a very harmonious set of numbers representing harmony and satisfaction in all areas; sentimental, material and intellectual. The World in the sense of this card is formed by the Earth and all the other astral bodies and demonstrates the harmony, accomplishment and satisfaction which you will soon experience Florencia because of this very intense Transit you will soon be living through. The central personality appears to be someone happy and fulfilled. The laurel leaf crown symbolises the prize awarded by all your efforts, your honor and sucess. This is a very satisfying card and it also symbolises travel. It seems that you will be required to move around during relatively short periods however you will get a great deal out of this travel. This card clearly shows the sucess and acheivement which awaits you.