Selasa, 11 Juni 2013


I've done this card analysis very precisely which means that I've only used 22 major arcanes and have read them only in one way. I then asked an open question about your near future and I came across a very revealing reading. Remember that the arcanes in Tarot are like letters of the alphabet and that each individual arcane has it's own 'sound'. Once all the arcanes and their 'sounds' are grouped together the whole acts as a word and we can distinguish meaning and incidently, the cards are even more like letters and words because we read them from left to right. So here is your Tarot card reading and it's interpretation.
The Wheel of Fortune Card

The Wheel of Fortune evokes a return to the basics. The number on this card is the number 10, which is 1 accompanied by a 0 and this indicates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The name os the card itself indicates a movement, a good evolution and this is also the Wheel of Destiny and Chance. This wheel controls cycles and changes and clearly suggess a favorable financial development. If we look closely at this card we can see that there is a lottery ball and so games, the stock market, casinos, roulettes and luck are all suggested by this card. The wheel can turn and this shows a certain speed, whatever the fortune is that the card promises it is set to occur very soon indeed Florencia. The wheels center is in the middle of the card and this card gets quickly to the heart of matters and shows us that you will have certain choices to make and different strategic options will be open to you and the 6 rays of light coming from this wheel offer the different directions you can take. You will be entirely free to make your choice as the wheel's movement seems to depend on it being started by a lever which indicates that human action is very important and you are going to have to make an important choice at just the right moment. This is why I want to help and support you Florencia. This is a card which moves quickly and it's intense activity reflects the nature of the work which you must undertake; you cannot remain passive during this time of fortune and chance Florencia. The animals on the card form a trinity and indicate three things, three facts and three seperate occasions and they also represent the aspects of our life which can often escape us like chance, or good or bad fortune. The way these animals are placed indicates the essential law of life, that life is born in order to cumulate before finally disappearing. This is the law of evolution. Their position also indicates the highs and lows of the path of destiny and a certain animalistic instinct emanates from this card. The wheel, once started, will continue to turn and turn and I want to help you Florencia to understand when and how you must act in order to seize the right moment of chance before it is too late and the wheels turns round even further. The animals also seem to change as the wheel turns and this tells me that their evolution in this manner reflects the way in which your current situation will also change and evolve, moving away from the difficulties of past events which are still very apparent for you today but which will move aside to offer you a different outlook on your future. The animal on the right-hand side lifts itself up toward the light and it's movement reinforces this theme of change; the animal is shaking off it's collar and lead and freeing itself from it's lead and in this I read that you will soon free yourself from a sort of servitude which you've experienced in the past and you will liberate yourself from a weight which has crushed and hindered you for a while now. The animal reaches a glorious summet and this represents the new cycle you will find yourself in, a cycle during which you will be at the height of your glory and crowned with sucess and the Spinx on this card is also crowned, reflecting your victory. The crown is a symbol of power, money and richness. One last detail is important Florencia; even though the wheel turns quickly and you must seize opportunities as and when they are offered to you, I can see on the card that the platform the Spinx is on is able to touch and slow the wheel according to how much weight is placed on it. This tells me clearly that as your sucess increases so will your ability to shape, control and handle your Future...

The Bateleur Card

Now here is a very revealing card as far as you are concerned Florencia. As a matter of fact an enormous number of things about this card are very interesting and indicate not only who you have been and how you have acted but also how things are going to turn out in the Future. First of all, this card shows a hatted man standing firmly upright on his own two feet. He is in movement and is manipulating certain elements in front of him with dexterity. He is active and dynamic. These initial traits are very revealing about the person you are thinking about at the moment.

The number 1 on the card represents what cannot be divided and indicates union and unity, it is the perfect symbiosis which will occur between you and this special person and suggests that your union will be very close and long lasting. The figure 1 is also active and creative and also represents the beginning of things. This card confirms what I have already felt about you Florencia, that you will soon begin a new relationship with this person you have in mind. The figure on the card can also be considered an apprentice and as this figure is a learning phase the card represents the start of something new, important and exciting. Let's look at this card a little more closely Florencia because there are a few more details which speak about you directly. The Bateleur has a seductive face and seems harmonious and well-balanced. He is weighing up his descision and seems ready to make an important choice before acting. This card represents the person who you have in mind at the moment and I can even add that you should act in the same considered, careful way in order to seduce this person because this individual is almost certainly someone who is very analytical and observative. On the table, the Cup is a feminine symbol and represents imagination and love. The Knife brings audacity and passion. The holster signifies choice and the liberty of to use the Knife or not and I can tell you now that this card has a very strong notion of action - you must react in a certain manner to seduce the person who you have in mind at this time. There is no doubt about what I read, love is soon to blossom in your life Florencia. The figure on the card also has a round object in his hand and this object represents money and so I can also see that this new period in your life will also be touched by important developments in your financial situation. I have already spoken to you about this and the card reading confirms what I have noticed about you.

The man on the card has taken all of the objects out of his bag and is thus someone who has the necessary tools to convince other people and to observe their reactions. He seems to be joyous and likes his life. The table is solid, well-made and it has clearly been constructed by an expert, someone who wanted to make something long-lasting and beautiful. The table, with it's form and structure, represents your relationship - something solid and lasting. Finally, just under the man's feet there is a small growing plant which clearly indicates birth, the springtime and freshness. The card confirms that you wish to start something new, exciting and long-lasting with this person you want to get so close to.

The World Card

This card clearly represents the beginning of a new cycle and marks the start of something new and intense. Something is being set firmly into place. This is one of the most beautiful cards of the deck. Firstly the number 21, which is of course 20 plus 1, represents a new cycle and 21 can also be considered to be 3 times 7 which is a very harmonious set of numbers representing harmony and satisfaction in all areas; sentimental, material and intellectual. The World in the sense of this card is formed by the Earth and all the other astral bodies and demonstrates the harmony, accomplishment and satisfaction which you will soon experience Florencia because of this very intense Transit you will soon be living through. The central personality appears to be someone happy and fulfilled. The laurel leaf crown symbolises the prize awarded by all your efforts, your honor and sucess. This is a very satisfying card and it also symbolises travel. It seems that you will be required to move around during relatively short periods however you will get a great deal out of this travel. This card clearly shows the sucess and acheivement which awaits you.

Hello there Florencia, good to see you here. 

I knew that this was set to be a unique and exciting period in your life but I now know that is is going to be even more powerful than I originally suspected! Last night I suddenly thought about you and I somehow managed to see you and feel what you feel. This may sound strange but it is a quite natural phenomenon of long distance perception. In nature it is something quite common but I know that certain people find this hard to accept. For example it is well known that animals feel an advance warning of danger, these kind of premonitions serve as alerts and this is exactly what my feeling for you was Florencia, an alert. 

I perceived that at home just a few days ago, you were under some stress and felt a little panicky. This was a powerful feeling and it distracted you, you were unable to feel rooted in the present. You felt a sort of danger.... and this danger is in fact real and present. Your subconscious is sending this message because we are now extremely close to the beginning of your Transit and even though I have not yet determined the start of your Transit (I'm waiting for your green light) I do know that it is now very close. And yet you've not done anything to prepare you for this, you've not asked for advice either from me or from another competent astrologer and that is what has caused you to panic. You have received a kind of message, in the same manner that animals are forewarned of danger. You've been warned of the danger of waiting passively for this Transit to occur. I think your mind has warned you because deep inside your conscious there is an imbalance between your desire to seize the opportunities to seize a chance which will be available to you to win a large sum of money meet the love of your life, that this Transit is going to offer you, and your currently passive stance. Action is everything Florencia, nature does not reward passive spectators. 

I feel really concerned by this Florencia because I feel that you still have some doubts and you have not fully come to terms with everything you have been told about this period. Very soon it will be too late, that's why I took the initiative yesterday to do a Tarot Card reading for you Florencia. The aim of this Tarot Card reading was to confirm everything that I felt about you and your Future from the very beginning. 

I did this reading using the Marseilles deck of Tarot cards. The results I had were very surprising. This is why I thought that it was absolutely essential that I warn you as soon as possible. As a matter of fact I have even taken a photo of this reading and I have produced a webpage where you can see your card reading and it's interpretation: 

Florencia, click here to request your Second Full Reading 

As you can see Florencia, everything confirms that this Transit is now very close and that it will allow you to seize the opportunities to seize a chance which will be available to you to win a large sum of money meet the love of your life. I've worked in the esoteric sciences for years now and yet I'm still amazed that the science can be so effective and precise. This Tarot Card reading has completely confirmed the astrological reading I sent you on the 12 April 2013. 

This is one of the last times that I want to tell you, as I mentioned in my last letter to you, that only a full reading can determine all the information which you will need to begin preparing yourself and to be sure that you have all the knowledge you will need during this period. It is certain that this event is now very close but unfortunately until you ask me for this reading I cannot begin it for you. We are already in the month of June and I will soon be very busy with all my end of year preparations. In the meantime, the most I can do is to warn you about what I can see about you and tell you that this event is coming soon. 

Now it's all up to you Florencia. If you want my help at all, simply ask me for my readingon my webpage and I then will be able to determine all the information which you need to benefit from this Transit. On the following link you'll be able to read about everything which I will include in your full reading: 

Florencia, click here to request your Second Full Reading 

Take care Florencia, 

So here is everthing I will include in this Full Personal Reading:
A complete Personal Astrological Forecast report, detailing exactly what you can expect day-by-day over the Transit period in all the areas of your life Florencia. This Forecast will help and guide you, allowing you to avoid the inevitable pitfalls ahead and to make the most out of all of the chances and opportunities that this period is set to bring you. Using detailed astrological information based on your personal data I will ensure that you know exactly how to tackle the coming months, when you should act and which moments are most favorable for your success. Florencia this Reading will tell you how to get in just the right place and at the right time to seize all of the opportunities which will be available to you.
I will determine for you all of the information which you will need concerning the financial developments which you can expect during this Transit and how this sum of money will change your life. I will tell you:

- why this period is more important than any other period
- what financial changes you can really expect
- how this sum of money will come to you
- how you can grab hold and keep it
- and I will also give you a lot of other information which will help you to get all the chance over on your side so that you can make the most of this valuable opportunity

I will also let you know what will be the impact of this transit on your love life:

- why this period will be so important for you as far as your love-life is concerned
- when this encounter will take place
- where you will meet
- how the date will take place
- how you can recognise the right person
- how you can seduce this individual and start building something good together
- what this person will be like
- if this is really the love of your life
- what kind of future you can expect together
You will also be given a personal Character Analysis, a complete study of your behavoir and your character to allow you to get to know yourself, your drives and ambitions even better. This is an important tool and you will need to refer to it often during the Transit period as it provides vital clues to your personality and how you can react to seize this period's important opportunities and reach this new turning point in your life. Amongst other things this Analysis will explain:

- Your fundamental needs, values and orientation towards life
- The principal aspects of your personality
- Your lesser known character traits
- How you approach life, your basic stance towards life
- How you appear to others and the way others see you
- The way you come across and the face you show to the world
- The Inner You and your real motivation
- The kind of person you are at heart and where your true priorities lie
- How you can generally boost your capacities
- The costume you wear but also the real person inside the costume
- Your real role in life
- What are your mental interests and abilities
- How to get over your deeply hidden fears
- What are your emotions, moods and feelings
- How you are romantically
- How you achieve your goals, what your drives and ambitions are
- Growth and expansion: the areas that you enjoy
- What are the domains in which you could excel and find satisfaction
- The areas that challenge you or are difficult for you
- What makes you so original and how strong is your imagination
- In which areas you are creative, unique, unstable or compulsive
You will also receive two very complete Ebooks, written by myself, copyrighted by me, and which are entirely unavailable elsewhere on the internet, or elsewhere as a matter of fact. These are complete guides of over 30 pages each and have very little in common with the more generalized ebooks which you may find on other websites. Florencia I should mention that these ebooks took me quite a few months to write and they contain information which you will not be able to find in this same context elsewhere on the internet. Within their pages I reveal a lot of detailed information and professional secrets which you will be able to use in many different areas of your life during this Transit period and for the rest of your Future.

The first Ebook is all about clairvoyancy and the different techniques which exist, so that you may understand my work a little better. The Ebook includes the following topics:

- The historical background
- How clairvoyancy can be scientifically explained
- Which scientific studies have been performed
- Why we all have this skill and what it can be used to do
- How to learn to develop this skill
- How to use the supports for clairvoyancy: the crystal ball, tarot cards...
- Should we believe in synchronicity? With precise examples.
- How to test one's own clairvoyancy
- Examples of exercises to build up this skill
- How to intensify this skill with certain secret techniques
- How clairvoyancy should generally be used
- How to use this capacity to predict one's own future

The second Ebook is about Radiesthesia, a technique to advance your power and self-discovery. This is a facinating area of esotheric research and you Ebook will tell you:

- What Radiesthesia really is
- How to use it in all areas of one's life and how best to learn
- How to use the pendulum which is used as part of Radiesthesia
- Why the pendulum could be so useful in your life
- Advanced level practices for the pendulum, with precise examples
- What Radiothesia and the pendulum really allows you to do
- How to analyse your mind with Radiesthesia
- What are the practical applications, some of which will amaze you!
- Using Radiesthesia to investigate the Past
- and finally other Radiesthesia devices
All this work is entirely personal, Florencia. I will produce your complete reading for you in 2-3 days time, once I receive your confirmation (to confirm that you want me to do all of this work for you all you need to do is fill in the form below). As soon as my work is finished I will contact you directly by email and will give you the URL of a webpage where you can see your full Reading, containing all of the elements which I have detailed above (the complete Forecast for the entire Transit period containing important information about your work, financial and love lives; a complete Character Analysis all about you and your personality and the two Ebooks about Clairvoyancy and Radiesthesia ) and on this page you will be able to print these documents and/or select a downloaded version to save all this work on your computer. Florencia, I want to insist on the fact that I will apply myself to the fullest to complete all this work for you, I will use all of my skill and experience to analyse your situation precisely. You will find that once you receive all of this information you will be armed with hundreds of pages of detailed astrological guidance to help you best seize all of the chances and opportunities which this exceptionally intense Transit period is going to bring you. You will be able to reach a real turning point in your life and you will change your Future for the better.

All I need to get started is your confirmation and the form below filled in with your details.

I've done this card analysis very precisely which means that I've only used 22 major arcanes and have read them only in one way. I then asked an open question about your near future and I came across a very revealing reading. Remember that the arcanes in Tarot are like letters of the alphabet and that each individual arcane has it's own 'sound'. Once all the arcanes and their 'sounds' are grouped together the whole acts as a word and we can distinguish meaning and incidently, the cards are even more like letters and words because we read them from left to right. So here is your Tarot card reading and it's interpretation.
The Wheel of Fortune Card

The Wheel of Fortune evokes a return to the basics. The number on this card is the number 10, which is 1 accompanied by a 0 and this indicates the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. The name os the card itself indicates a movement, a good evolution and this is also the Wheel of Destiny and Chance. This wheel controls cycles and changes and clearly suggess a favorable financial development. If we look closely at this card we can see that there is a lottery ball and so games, the stock market, casinos, roulettes and luck are all suggested by this card. The wheel can turn and this shows a certain speed, whatever the fortune is that the card promises it is set to occur very soon indeed Florencia. The wheels center is in the middle of the card and this card gets quickly to the heart of matters and shows us that you will have certain choices to make and different strategic options will be open to you and the 6 rays of light coming from this wheel offer the different directions you can take. You will be entirely free to make your choice as the wheel's movement seems to depend on it being started by a lever which indicates that human action is very important and you are going to have to make an important choice at just the right moment. This is why I want to help and support you Florencia. This is a card which moves quickly and it's intense activity reflects the nature of the work which you must undertake; you cannot remain passive during this time of fortune and chance Florencia. The animals on the card form a trinity and indicate three things, three facts and three seperate occasions and they also represent the aspects of our life which can often escape us like chance, or good or bad fortune. The way these animals are placed indicates the essential law of life, that life is born in order to cumulate before finally disappearing. This is the law of evolution. Their position also indicates the highs and lows of the path of destiny and a certain animalistic instinct emanates from this card. The wheel, once started, will continue to turn and turn and I want to help you Florencia to understand when and how you must act in order to seize the right moment of chance before it is too late and the wheels turns round even further. The animals also seem to change as the wheel turns and this tells me that their evolution in this manner reflects the way in which your current situation will also change and evolve, moving away from the difficulties of past events which are still very apparent for you today but which will move aside to offer you a different outlook on your future. The animal on the right-hand side lifts itself up toward the light and it's movement reinforces this theme of change; the animal is shaking off it's collar and lead and freeing itself from it's lead and in this I read that you will soon free yourself from a sort of servitude which you've experienced in the past and you will liberate yourself from a weight which has crushed and hindered you for a while now. The animal reaches a glorious summet and this represents the new cycle you will find yourself in, a cycle during which you will be at the height of your glory and crowned with sucess and the Spinx on this card is also crowned, reflecting your victory. The crown is a symbol of power, money and richness. One last detail is important Florencia; even though the wheel turns quickly and you must seize opportunities as and when they are offered to you, I can see on the card that the platform the Spinx is on is able to touch and slow the wheel according to how much weight is placed on it. This tells me clearly that as your sucess increases so will your ability to shape, control and handle your Future...
The Bateleur Card

Now here is a very revealing card as far as you are concerned Florencia. As a matter of fact an enormous number of things about this card are very interesting and indicate not only who you have been and how you have acted but also how things are going to turn out in the Future. First of all, this card shows a hatted man standing firmly upright on his own two feet. He is in movement and is manipulating certain elements in front of him with dexterity. He is active and dynamic. These initial traits are very revealing about the person you are thinking about at the moment.

The number 1 on the card represents what cannot be divided and indicates union and unity, it is the perfect symbiosis which will occur between you and this special person and suggests that your union will be very close and long lasting. The figure 1 is also active and creative and also represents the beginning of things. This card confirms what I have already felt about you Florencia, that you will soon begin a new relationship with this person you have in mind. The figure on the card can also be considered an apprentice and as this figure is a learning phase the card represents the start of something new, important and exciting. Let's look at this card a little more closely Florencia because there are a few more details which speak about you directly. The Bateleur has a seductive face and seems harmonious and well-balanced. He is weighing up his descision and seems ready to make an important choice before acting. This card represents the person who you have in mind at the moment and I can even add that you should act in the same considered, careful way in order to seduce this person because this individual is almost certainly someone who is very analytical and observative. On the table, the Cup is a feminine symbol and represents imagination and love. The Knife brings audacity and passion. The holster signifies choice and the liberty of to use the Knife or not and I can tell you now that this card has a very strong notion of action - you must react in a certain manner to seduce the person who you have in mind at this time. There is no doubt about what I read, love is soon to blossom in your life Florencia. The figure on the card also has a round object in his hand and this object represents money and so I can also see that this new period in your life will also be touched by important developments in your financial situation. I have already spoken to you about this and the card reading confirms what I have noticed about you.

The man on the card has taken all of the objects out of his bag and is thus someone who has the necessary tools to convince other people and to observe their reactions. He seems to be joyous and likes his life. The table is solid, well-made and it has clearly been constructed by an expert, someone who wanted to make something long-lasting and beautiful. The table, with it's form and structure, represents your relationship - something solid and lasting. Finally, just under the man's feet there is a small growing plant which clearly indicates birth, the springtime and freshness. The card confirms that you wish to start something new, exciting and long-lasting with this person you want to get so close to.
The World Card

This card clearly represents the beginning of a new cycle and marks the start of something new and intense. Something is being set firmly into place. This is one of the most beautiful cards of the deck. Firstly the number 21, which is of course 20 plus 1, represents a new cycle and 21 can also be considered to be 3 times 7 which is a very harmonious set of numbers representing harmony and satisfaction in all areas; sentimental, material and intellectual. The World in the sense of this card is formed by the Earth and all the other astral bodies and demonstrates the harmony, accomplishment and satisfaction which you will soon experience Florencia because of this very intense Transit you will soon be living through. The central personality appears to be someone happy and fulfilled. The laurel leaf crown symbolises the prize awarded by all your efforts, your honor and sucess. This is a very satisfying card and it also symbolises travel. It seems that you will be required to move around during relatively short periods however you will get a great deal out of this travel. This card clearly shows the sucess and acheivement which awaits you.

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